
Lecturer Adem Candaş
Lecturer Adem Candaş
Web: http://web.itu.edu.tr/candas/
E-Mail: candas@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / 2450
Room: 221
Research Interests:
  • Numerical analysis, structural analysis, modeling and analysis with finite elements, modeling and analysis with boundary elements, concurrent engineering, computer aided design and engineering,
Lecturer Ahmet Gökhan Hasan
Lecturer Ahmet Gökhan Hasan
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 /
Research Interests:
Lecturer Fırat Mehmet Günkan
Lecturer Fırat Mehmet Günkan
E-Mail: fmgunkan@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / 2507
Room: 415
Research Interests:
  • Machine Design and Machine Elements, Computer Aided Design and Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Aerodynamics, Finite Element Analysis, Vibrations, Modal Testing, Numerical Methods, Computer Programming
Lecturer Osman Aytaç
Lecturer Osman Aytaç
E-Mail: aytaco@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / Kütüphane
Room: 2163
Research Interests:
Lecturer Osman Nejat Sezgin
Lecturer Osman Nejat Sezgin
Phone:  /
Room: Otomotiv
Research Interests:
Lecturer Saliha Gündüz
Lecturer Saliha Gündüz
E-Mail: salihagunduz@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / 2518
Room: 306
Research Interests:
Lecturer Yunus  Çimenli
Lecturer Yunus  Çimenli
Web: http://akademi1.itu.edu.tr/ycimenli/
E-Mail: ycimenli@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / 2518
Room: 306
Research Interests:
Lecturer Yusuf Ziya Kocabal
Lecturer Yusuf  Ziya Kocabal
Web: http://akademi1.itu.edu.tr/kocabal/
E-Mail: kocabal@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 293 13 00 / 2450
Room: 222
Research Interests:
  • Technical Drawing, Practical Machinery Projects, Machine Design