“Alpin Kemal Dağsöz” Research Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer

Head of Research Lab  : Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özdemir


Prof.Dr. Feridun Özgüç
Prof.Dr. Cem Parmaksızoğlu
Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özdemir
Prof.Dr. Seyhan Uygur Onbaşıoğlu
Prof.Dr. Lütfullah Kuddusi
Assist. Prof. Dr. Murat Çakan
Dr. Lecturers Ersin Sayar
Res. Assist. Altay Arbak
Res. Assist. Yasin Gökaslan
Technician Salman Benli

ITU Dept. of Mech. Eng. Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory Mission is to perform research and application oriented experiments aiming to sustain its ongoing excellence in porous media research. Other research areas of interest include reciprocating oscillated flows, two phase flow heat and mass transfer.


  • Exp. study of heat transfer in porous media
  • Exp. study of boiling heat transfer
  • Exp. prediction of heat conduction coefficient
  • Heat and mass exchangers
  • Computational fluid dynamics, heat-mass transfer and structural mechanics
  • Piezoelectric materials and their applications
  • Fluid-structure interactions


  • “Hydrodynamics and Heat transfer in porous media and application to metal foam” The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey program #2221 then funded partially by Fulbright.
  • Industrial research Project for Eroglu Boilers
  • Industrial research Project for Demirdokum Radiant Hot Water In-door Heaters
  • Ongoing research projects such as CTA system overhaul project and so on withProf.Dr. Fırat Oğuz Edis